Em­ploy­ee sta­tis­tics

In 2021, the Swiss private insurers employed some 49,900 people in Switzerland, according to the latest employee statistics. The corresponding data are gathered by the SIA at the end of the year.

At the moment, some 2,100 people are being apprenticed or trained by the Swiss insurance industry. The percentage of women in management is around 34 per cent and in the executive board around 22 per cent. One in four employees works part-time, and one in three is active as a customer consultant.

The employee statistics relate to all Finma-licensed enterprises. Since 2006, they also comprises the health insurance sector including those employees that are active in non-mandatory health insurance.

Employees in Switzerland

The Swiss private insurers employ around 49,902 people in Switzerland, 55.3 percent of whom are male, while 44.7 percent are female. As compared to the previous year, the number of employees increased by 6.1 percent. This increase is mainly due to an increase in the number of reporting companies.


The Swiss private insurance industry counts 37,404 FTEs, or 75 per cent of all employees.

Part-time employment

25 per cent of the employees in the Swiss private insurance industry work part-time. The trend over the last ten years shows a slight increase in part-time pensa. The number of women working part-time (76 per cent) is significantly higher than the number of men working part-time (24 per cent).

Trainees and apprentices

The Swiss private insurers employ 2,104 apprentices and trainees. This is equivalent to 4 per cent of all insurance employees.

Upper management

The Swiss private insurance industry counts 2,516 members of upper management. The share of women continues to be around 22 per cent.


The Swiss private insurance industry numbers 12,842 managers or some 26 per cent of all employees. Women hold some 34 per cent of all managerial positions.

Customer consultants

15,753 customer consultants work in the Swiss private insurance industry, around 21 per cent of whom are female.


In 2021, 18.9 per cent of employees in Swiss private insurance industry had a foreign nationality. Their share has increased by 2.2 per cent compared to the previous year. The vast majority of foreign employees come from the EU/EFTA region.

Employee statistics 2021 (in German)