Pub­lic Dis­cus­sion Draft of the Manda­to­ry Dis­clo­sure Rules for Ad­dress­ing CRS Avoid­ance Arrange­ments and Off­shore Struc­tures (MDR)

Consultation procedures

The Swiss Insurance Association (SIA) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the OECD’s request for input on new tax rules requiring disclosure of Common Reporting Standard (CRS) for Automatic Exchange of Information on Financial Accounts (AEOI).

The SIA supports the OECD’s approach to close potential gaps to the CRS legislation to ensure reporting efficiency on a global level and to identify arrangements designed to circumvent the CRS. The inputs should help to increase legal certainty but SIA objects any MDR provision that is overruling and extending the scope of the CRS.

CRS MDR Consultation Input SIA